No. | Nomor Induk | Judul | Pengarang | Penerbit | ISBN | |
20501 | 20.544 | Hijabocomic : Sebab Modis Saja Nggak Cukup / Ilustrasi @Hijabocomic | QultumMedia, | 9790172842 | ||
20502 | 20.545 | Hijabocomic : Sebab Modis Saja Nggak Cukup / Ilustrasi @Hijabocomic | QultumMedia, | 9790172842 | ||
20503 | 20.546 | Islam Hari Ini : Yang Kecil Terlupakan Yang Besar Terabaikan / Alisnaik, Penyunting Firdaus Agung | Alisnaik | Qultum Media, | 9790172702 | |
20504 | 20.547 | Islam Hari Ini : Yang Kecil Terlupakan Yang Besar Terabaikan / Alisnaik, Penyunting Firdaus Agung | Alisnaik | Qultum Media, | 9790172702 | |
20505 | 20.548 | Aku Ingin Menjadi : Mengenal Pekerjaan-Pekerjaan yang Terbaik untuk Anak / Ary Vrhaz; Penyunting Juliagar R.N; Ilustrator Ary Vrhaz | Ary Vrhaz | anak kita, | 6022860083 | |
20506 | 20.549 | Aku Ingin Menjadi : Mengenal Pekerjaan-Pekerjaan yang Terbaik untuk Anak / Ary Vrhaz; Penyunting Juliagar R.N; Ilustrator Ary Vrhaz | Ary Vrhaz | anak kita, | 6022860083 | |
20507 | 20.550 | Islam yang Kuyakini / Yadi Scetz; Penyunting Agung F. | Yadi Scetz | Qultummedia, | 9790172834 | |
20508 | 20.551 | Islam yang Kuyakini / Yadi Scetz; Penyunting Agung F. | Yadi Scetz | Qultummedia, | 9790172834 | |
20509 | 20.552 | Kumpulan Fabel Islami / Muhammad Ihsan; Penyunting Juliagaer R. N.; Ilustrator Unshur Studio | Muhammad Ihsan | Anak Kita, | 6029003836 | |
20510 | 20.553 | Kumpulan Fabel Islami / Muhammad Ihsan; Penyunting Juliagaer R. N.; Ilustrator Unshur Studio | Muhammad Ihsan | Anak Kita, | 6029003836 | |
20511 | 20.554 | 30 Dongeng Prince and Princess / Mita Yanuarti; Penyunting Rani Andriani Koswara; Ilustrator Optima Pictures | Mita Yanuarti | TransMedia Pustaka, | 9789797992439 | |
20512 | 20.555 | 30 Dongeng Prince and Princess / Mita Yanuarti; Penyunting Rani Andriani Koswara; Ilustrator Optima Pictures | Mita Yanuarti | TransMedia Pustaka, | 9789797992439 | |
20513 | 20.556 | Dopi Lumba - Lumba yang Baik Hati / Watiek Ideo; Editor Astutiningsih; Ilustrator InnerChild Studio | Watiek Ideo | Cikal Aksara, | 6021267192 | |
20514 | 20.557 | Dopi Lumba - Lumba yang Baik Hati / Watiek Ideo; Editor Astutiningsih; Ilustrator InnerChild Studio | Watiek Ideo | Cikal Aksara, | 6021267192 | |
20515 | 20.558 | Kisah Menakjubkan 25 Nabi & Rasul / Nurul Ihsan; Editor Astutiningsih; ilustrator Uci Ahmad Sanusi | Nurul Ihsan | Cikal Aksara, | 6021267176 | |
20516 | 20.559 | Kisah Menakjubkan 25 Nabi & Rasul / Nurul Ihsan; Editor Astutiningsih; ilustrator Uci Ahmad Sanusi | Nurul Ihsan | Cikal Aksara, | 6021267176 | |
20517 | 20.560 | Aku Siaga di Sekolah / Sarah Ismullah; Editor Tetty Yullia; Ilustrator InnerChild Studio | Sarah Ismullah | Cikal Aksara, | 6028526630 | |
20518 | 20.561 | Aku Siaga di Sekolah / Sarah Ismullah; Editor Tetty Yullia; Ilustrator InnerChild Studio | Sarah Ismullah | Cikal Aksara, | 6028526630 | |
20519 | 20.562 | Ikuti Kata Nabi / S. Yuwanto; Penyunting Agung F. | S. Yuwanto | Qultummedia, | 9789790172869 | |
20520 | 20.563 | Ikuti Kata Nabi / S. Yuwanto; Penyunting Agung F. | S. Yuwanto | Qultummedia, | 9789790172869 | |
20521 | 20.564 | Nama dan Kisah Pahlawan Indonesia / Angga Priatna, Aditya Fauzan Hakim; Ilustrator Angga Priatna; Penyunting Juliagar R. N. | Angga Priatna ; Aditya Fauzan Hakim | Anak Kita, | 9786022860037 | |
20522 | 20.565 | Nama dan Kisah Pahlawan Indonesia / Angga Priatna, Aditya Fauzan Hakim; Ilustrator Angga Priatna; Penyunting Juliagar R. N. | Angga Priatna ; Aditya Fauzan Hakim | Anak Kita, | 9786022860037 | |
20523 | 20.566 | Cari - Cari Petualangan di Luar Angkasa / Gery R; Penyunting Droe; Ilustrator Gery | Gery R | Wahyumedia, | 9797957152 | |
20524 | 20.567 | Cari - Cari Petualangan di Luar Angkasa / Gery R; Penyunting Droe; Ilustrator Gery | Gery R | Wahyumedia, | 9797957152 | |
20525 | 20.568 | 30 Dongeng Terbaik Sebelum Tidur Asli Nusantara / Imam Khoiri; Penyunting Muthia Esfand; Ilustrator Imam Khoiri | Imam Khoiri | Visi Media, | 9790650981 | |
20526 | 20.569 | 30 Dongeng Terbaik Sebelum Tidur Asli Nusantara / Imam Khoiri; Penyunting Muthia Esfand; Ilustrator Imam Khoiri | Imam Khoiri | Visi Media, | 9790650981 | |
20527 | 20.570 | Fakta Menakjubkan Tentang Indonesia : Wisata Sejarah, Budaya, dan Alam di 33 Provinsi / Novita Kristi, Penyunting Astutiningsih; Ilustrator Inner Child Studio | Novita Kristi | Cikal Aksara (Imprint Agromedia Pustaka), | 6028526673 | |
20528 | 20.571 | Fakta Menakjubkan Tentang Indonesia : Wisata Sejarah, Budaya, dan Alam di 33 Provinsi / Novita Kristi, Penyunting Astutiningsih; Ilustrator Inner Child Studio | Novita Kristi | Cikal Aksara (Imprint Agromedia Pustaka), | 6028526673 | |
20529 | 20.572 | The Amazing of Indonesia : 71 Keajaiban Indonesia yang Wajib Diketahui / Sugeng HR; Penyunting Juliagar R.N.; Ilustrator msfstudio7 | Sugeng HR | Anak Kita, | 6022860008 | |
20530 | 20.573 | The Amazing of Indonesia : 71 Keajaiban Indonesia yang Wajib Diketahui / Sugeng HR; Penyunting Juliagar R.N.; Ilustrator msfstudio7 | Sugeng HR | Anak Kita, | 6022860008 | |
20531 | 20.574 | 25 Cerita Kampung Dongeng / Awam Prakoso; Penyunting Droe; Ilustrator Ali Asman | Awam Prakoso | WahyuMedia, | 9797957454 | |
20532 | 20.575 | 25 Cerita Kampung Dongeng / Awam Prakoso; Penyunting Droe; Ilustrator Ali Asman | Awam Prakoso | WahyuMedia, | 9797957454 | |
20533 | 20.576 | Fakta Menakjubkan Tentang Tubuh Manusia / Indah Retno Wardhani, Navita Kristi Astuti; Editor Astutiningsih; Ilustrator InnerChild Studio & Erlangga | Indah Retno Wardhani ; Navita Kristi Astuti | Cikal Aksara, | 6028526835 | |
20534 | 20.577 | Fakta Menakjubkan Tentang Tubuh Manusia / Indah Retno Wardhani, Navita Kristi Astuti; Editor Astutiningsih; Ilustrator InnerChild Studio & Erlangga | Indah Retno Wardhani ; Navita Kristi Astuti | Cikal Aksara, | 6028526835 | |
20535 | 20.578 | Si Tudung Merah dan Dongeng - Dongeng Lainnya / Stella Ernes; Penyunting Juliagar R. N.; Ilustrator Stella Ernes | Stella Ernes | Anak Kita, | 6022860067 | |
20536 | 20.579 | Si Tudung Merah dan Dongeng - Dongeng Lainnya / Stella Ernes; Penyunting Juliagar R. N.; Ilustrator Stella Ernes | Stella Ernes | Anak Kita, | 6022860067 | |
20537 | 20.580 | 100 Fakta Unik Dunia Hewan / Ary Vrhaz; ilustrator Ary Vrhaz; Penyunting Irwan Rouf | Ary Vrhaz | Anakkita, | 60290031084 | |
20538 | 20.581 | 100 Fakta Unik Dunia Hewan / Ary Vrhaz; ilustrator Ary Vrhaz; Penyunting Irwan Rouf | Ary Vrhaz | Anakkita, | 60290031084 | |
20539 | 20.582 | Pangeran Diponegoro : Pahlawan dari Gua Selarong / Agung Bawantara, Maria Ekaristi; Penyunting Juliagar R. N.; Ilustrator Dwi S. | Agung Bawantara ; Maria Ekaristi | Anak Kita, | 6029003801 | |
20540 | 20.583 | Pangeran Diponegoro : Pahlawan dari Gua Selarong / Agung Bawantara, Maria Ekaristi; Penyunting Juliagar R. N.; Ilustrator Dwi S. | Agung Bawantara ; Maria Ekaristi | Anak Kita, | 6029003801 | |
20541 | 20.584 | Indonesian History : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind The Dutch East Indies | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20542 | 20.585 | Indonesian History : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind The Dutch East Indies | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20543 | 20.586 | Indonesian Heritage : Amazing Storis of Provinces Jawa Tengah | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20544 | 20.587 | Indonesian Heritage : Amazing Storis of Provinces Jawa Tengah | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20545 | 20.588 | Indonesian Heritage : Amazing Stories of Provinces Jakarta | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20546 | 20.589 | Indonesian Heritage : Amazing Stories of Provinces Jakarta | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20547 | 20.590 | Indonesian History : Fascinating Moment and Stories Behind Indonesian Independence | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20548 | 20.591 | Indonesian History : Fascinating Moment and Stories Behind Indonesian Independence | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20549 | 20.592 | World History : Revealed the Mistery of Prehistoric Life | Kastil Lebah, | 979397317 | ||
20550 | 20.593 | World History : Revealed the Mistery of Prehistoric Life | Kastil Lebah, | 979397317 | ||
20551 | 20.594 | Great People : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Indonesian National Heroes | KastilLebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20552 | 20.595 | Great People : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Indonesian National Heroes | KastilLebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20553 | 20.596 | Great People : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Great Conquerors | KastilLebah, | 9793973137 | ||
20554 | 20.597 | Great People : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Great Conquerors | KastilLebah, | 9793973137 | ||
20555 | 20.598 | Space Exploration : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Space Journey | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20556 | 20.599 | Space Exploration : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Space Journey | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20557 | 20.600 | Amazing Experiments : Pesawat Ulir Gravitasi, Peternakan Semut, Sepak Bola Magnet, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Jeruk, Labirin Kentang, Mobil Mesin Karet | Kastil Lebah, | 9793973167 | ||
20558 | 20.601 | Amazing Experiments : Pesawat Ulir Gravitasi, Peternakan Semut, Sepak Bola Magnet, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Jeruk, Labirin Kentang, Mobil Mesin Karet | Kastil Lebah, | 9793973167 | ||
20559 | 20.602 | World History : Amazing Fun Facts and Stories Behind The Rise of Samurai | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20560 | 20.603 | World History : Amazing Fun Facts and Stories Behind The Rise of Samurai | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20561 | 20.604 | Indonesian History : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Ancient Kingdoms | Pustaka Lebah, | 979397317 | ||
20562 | 20.605 | Indonesian History : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Ancient Kingdoms | Pustaka Lebah, | 979397317 | ||
20563 | 20.606 | World History : Revealed the Amazing of the Ancient Civilizations | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20564 | 20.607 | World History : Revealed the Amazing of the Ancient Civilizations | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20565 | 20.608 | Space Exploration : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Solar System | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20566 | 20.609 | Space Exploration : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Solar System | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20567 | 20.610 | Great People : Fascinating Moment and Stories Behind Great Explorer | Kastil Lebah, | 979397317 | ||
20568 | 20.611 | Great People : Fascinating Moment and Stories Behind Great Explorer | Kastil Lebah, | 979397317 | ||
20569 | 20.612 | Everyday Life Inventions : Computer, Telephone, Clock, Refrigator, Television, Water Closet | Kastil Lebah, | 9793973137 | ||
20570 | 20.613 | Everyday Life Inventions : Computer, Telephone, Clock, Refrigator, Television, Water Closet | Kastil Lebah, | 9793973137 | ||
20571 | 20.614 | Space Exploration : Fun Fact and Stories Behind Earth / - | - | Kastil Lebah, | 9793973157 | |
20572 | 20.615 | Space Exploration : Fun Fact and Stories Behind Earth / - | - | Kastil Lebah, | 9793973157 | |
20573 | 20.616 | Inventions : Amazing Facts and How It Works Vehicles | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20574 | 20.617 | Inventions : Amazing Facts and How It Works Vehicles | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20575 | 20.618 | World History : Amazing Fun Fact and Stories Behind Islamic Empire | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20576 | 20.619 | World History : Amazing Fun Fact and Stories Behind Islamic Empire | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20577 | 20.620 | Great People : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Artist | Kastil Lebah, | |||
20578 | 20.621 | Great People : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Artist | Kastil Lebah, | |||
20579 | 20.622 | Space Exploration : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Mission to Mars | KastilLebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20580 | 20.623 | Space Exploration : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Mission to Mars | KastilLebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20581 | 20.624 | World History : Revealed the Amazing of the Ancient Empires | KastilLebah, | 9789793973845 | ||
20582 | 20.625 | World History : Revealed the Amazing of the Ancient Empires | KastilLebah, | 9789793973845 | ||
20583 | 20.626 | Energy Resource : Its Formation and how it is used Oil & Gas Exploration | Pustaka Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20584 | 20.627 | Energy Resource : Its Formation and how it is used Oil & Gas Exploration | Pustaka Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20585 | 20.628 | Energy Resource : How its Formed and Used Everyday Coal | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20586 | 20.629 | Energy Resource : How its Formed and Used Everyday Coal | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20587 | 20.630 | Everyday Life Invention : Blender, Oven Microwave, Walkman, Lampu Pijar, Kamera, Mesin Cuci | Pustaka Lebah, | 9793973197 | ||
20588 | 20.631 | Everyday Life Invention : Blender, Oven Microwave, Walkman, Lampu Pijar, Kamera, Mesin Cuci | Pustaka Lebah, | 9793973197 | ||
20589 | 20.632 | Inventions : Amazing Facts and How It Works Inside The Mall | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20590 | 20.633 | Inventions : Amazing Facts and How It Works Inside The Mall | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20591 | 20.634 | Indonesian History : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Islamic Kingdoms | Pustaka Lebah, | 9793973630 | ||
20592 | 20.635 | Indonesian History : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind Islamic Kingdoms | Pustaka Lebah, | 9793973630 | ||
20593 | 20.636 | Inventions : Amazing Fact and How it Works Musik Instrumental | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20594 | 20.637 | Inventions : Amazing Fact and How it Works Musik Instrumental | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20595 | 20.638 | Great People : Fun Fact and Stories Behind Great Leaders | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20596 | 20.639 | Great People : Fun Fact and Stories Behind Great Leaders | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20597 | 20.640 | Great People : Fastinating Moments and Stories Behind The King and Conqueror | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20598 | 20.641 | Great People : Fastinating Moments and Stories Behind The King and Conqueror | Kastil Lebah, | 9789793973753 | ||
20599 | 20.642 | Everyday Life Inventions : Bel Pintu, pengering rambut, pengisap debu,mesin jahit listrik, alarm kebakaran, dan VCD | Pustaka Lebah, | 979397317 | ||
20600 | 20.643 | Everyday Life Inventions : Bel Pintu, pengering rambut, pengisap debu,mesin jahit listrik, alarm kebakaran, dan VCD | Pustaka Lebah, | 979397317 |
No. | Indek | Keterangan | Tipe | Jumlah |
1 | tahun | Tahun | Year | - |
2 | nomor_induk | Nomor Induk | Angka/Numerik | panjang hingga 11 nilai |
3 | judul | Judul | Karakter | 255 karakter |
4 | pengarang | Pengarang | Karakter | 100 karakter |
5 | penerbit | Penerbit | Karakter | 55 karakter |
6 | isbn | ISBN | Karakter | 55 karakter |
Method: GET
No. | Variabel | Keterangan |
1 | tahun | Tahun |