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Daftar Bahan Pustaka Perpustakaan Umum Dinas Kearsipan Dan Perpustakaan Kabupaten Trenggalek


No. Nomor Nomor Induk Judul Pengarang Penerbit ISBN
51001 20.983 20.654 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Penerus Kepemimpinan Rasulullah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 978608798556  
51002 20.984 20.655 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Penerus Kepemimpinan Rasulullah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 978608798556  
51003 20.985 20.646 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Masa Remaja / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk, Editor: Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51004 20.986 20.647 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Masa Remaja / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk, Editor: Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51005 20.987 20.659 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Masyarakat Jahiliah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51006 20.988 20.658 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Masyarakat Jahiliah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51007 20.989 20.721 Great Prophet : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind (Nabi Yaqub A.S. dan Nabi Yusuf A.S.) / Bayu Indie, dkk, Editor:Herfi Ghulam Faizi tim Pustaka Lebah,  
51008 20.990 20.720 Great Prophet : Fascinating Moments and Stories Behind (Nabi Yaqub A.S. dan Nabi Yusuf A.S.) / Bayu Indie, dkk, Editor:Herfi Ghulam Faizi tim Pustaka Lebah,  
51009 20.991 20.663 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Orang Terpercaya / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51010 20.992 20.662 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Orang Terpercaya / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51011 20.993 20.649 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Pembebasan Mekah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51012 20.994 20.648 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Pembebasan Mekah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51013 20.995 20.661 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Teladan Sifat Rasulullah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51014 20.996 20.660 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Teladan Sifat Rasulullah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51015 20.997 20.657 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Masa Kecil / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51016 20.998 20.656 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Masa Kecil / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51017 20.999 20.651 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Wafatnya Rasulullah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51018 21.000 20.650 Great Prophet Muhammad SAW : Meneladani Manusia Pilihan Allah SWT Wafatnya Rasulullah / Hertanto Setia Darma, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798556  
51019 21.001 20.714 Great Prophet : Fascinating moments and stories behind (nabi Ayub A.S. dan nabi Syuaib A.S.) tim pustaka lebah, 9786028798334  
51020 21.002 20.715 Great Prophet : Fascinating moments and stories behind (nabi Ayub A.S. dan nabi Syuaib A.S.) tim pustaka lebah, 9786028798334  
51021 21.003 20.738 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Biology) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798419  
51022 21.004 20.739 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Biology) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798419  
51023 21.005 20.725 Great Prophet : fascinating moments and stories behind(Nabi Yahya A.S. dan Nabi Isa A.S.) Pustaka lebah, 9786028798211  
51024 21.006 20.724 Great Prophet : fascinating moments and stories behind(Nabi Yahya A.S. dan Nabi Isa A.S.) Pustaka lebah, 9786028798211  
51025 21.007 20.746 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Health) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798433  
51026 21.008 20.747 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Health) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798433  
51027 21.009 20.744 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Geology) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798426  
51028 21.010 20.745 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Geology) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798426  
51029 21.011 20.711 Great Prophet : fascinating moments and stories behind(Nabi Adam A.S. dan Nabi Idris A.S.) Pustaka lebah, 9786028798211  
51030 21.012 20.710 Great Prophet : fascinating moments and stories behind(Nabi Adam A.S. dan Nabi Idris A.S.) Pustaka lebah, 9786028798211  
51031 21.013 20.750 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Mathematics) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798440  
51032 21.014 20.751 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Mathematics) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798440  
51033 21.015 20.706 Amazing Experiments : With Everyday Materials Water Kastil Lebah, 9789793973753  
51034 21.016 20.707 Amazing Experiments : With Everyday Materials Water Kastil Lebah, 9789793973753  
51035 21.017 20.743 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Miracles of Salat) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798501  
51036 21.018 20.742 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Miracles of Salat) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798501  
51037 21.019 20.702 Amazing Experiments : Peramal Suhu, Lembaran yang Berharga, Panas Bumu yang Berlimpah, Perekam Kenangan, Wadah Pendingin Sederhana, Pemberi Kuas Pustaka Lebah, 9789793973791  
51038 21.020 20.703 Amazing Experiments : Peramal Suhu, Lembaran yang Berharga, Panas Bumu yang Berlimpah, Perekam Kenangan, Wadah Pendingin Sederhana, Pemberi Kuas Pustaka Lebah, 9789793973791  
51039 21.021 20.732 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Theology = Aqidah Akhlak) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798518  
51040 21.022 20.733 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Theology = Aqidah Akhlak) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798518  
51041 21.023 20.713 Great Prophet : fascinating moments and stories behind (Nabi Ismail A.S. dan Nabi Ishaq A.S.) tim Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798280  
51042 21.024 20.712 Great Prophet : fascinating moments and stories behind (Nabi Ismail A.S. dan Nabi Ishaq A.S.) tim Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798280  
51043 21.025 20.704 Amazing Experiments : With Everyday Materials Sound Kastil Lebah, 9789793973753  
51044 21.026 20.705 Amazing Experiments : With Everyday Materials Sound Kastil Lebah, 9789793973753  
51045 21.027 20.673 Geography : Revealed the Amazing of the Volcano Activities Mountain & Volcano Pustaka Lebah, 9789793973708  
51046 21.028 20.672 Geography : Revealed the Amazing of the Volcano Activities Mountain & Volcano Pustaka Lebah, 9789793973708  
51047 21.029 20.752 Great People : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Great Inventors Kastil Lebah, 9789793973708  
51048 21.030 20.753 Great People : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Great Inventors Kastil Lebah, 9789793973708  
51049 21.031 20.671 Geography : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Water World / Ilustrator Seno, dkk Pustaka Lebah, 9789793973753  
51050 21.032 20.670 Geography : Fun Facts and Stories Behind Water World / Ilustrator Seno, dkk Pustaka Lebah, 9789793973753  
51051 21.033 20.060 Aku Anak yang Berani, Bisa Melindungi Diri Sendiri / Watiek Ideo; Ilustrator Lenny Wen Watiek Ideo Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 9786020310084  
51052 21.034 20.061 Aku Anak yang Berani, Bisa Melindungi Diri Sendiri / Watiek Ideo; Ilustrator Lenny Wen Watiek Ideo Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 9786020310084  
51053 21.035 20.054 I am Gifted, So Are You! / Adam Khoo, Penerjemah Juliska Gracinia, Yanuarita Fitriani Khoo, Adam Elex Media Komputindo, 9786020262437  
51054 21.036 19.999 99 Kisah Teladan Sahabat Dekat Nabi Muhammad / Ummu Haidar; Penyunting Irham Syaroni; Illustrator Hardi Ummu Haidar Saufa Kids, 9786022554783  
51055 21.037 20.057 Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya / Slameto Slameto Rineka Cipta, 9789795181668  
51056 21.038 20.056 Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya / Slameto Slameto Rineka Cipta, 9789795181668  
51057 21.039 20.074 Beauty : The Kitty Who Loved to Sleep = Anak Kucing yang Senang Tidur / Amy Sky Koster, Ilustrator Tim Seni Buku Cerita Disney; Penerjemah Ramayanti Koster, Amy Sky Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 9786020306889  
51058 21.040 20.075 Beauty : The Kitty Who Loved to Sleep = Anak Kucing yang Senang Tidur / Amy Sky Koster, Ilustrator Tim Seni Buku Cerita Disney; Penerjemah Ramayanti Koster, Amy Sky Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 9786020306889  
51059 21.041 20.029 Jangan Lupa Menggosok Gigi / Askalin; Editor Sisilia Triana Dewi; Ilustrator Endy Astiko Askalin Andi Offset, 9789792944518  
51060 21.042 20.028 Jangan Lupa Menggosok Gigi / Askalin; Editor Sisilia Triana Dewi; Ilustrator Endy Astiko Askalin Andi Offset, 9789792944518  
51061 21.043 20.072 Singa Yang Serakah dan Kumpulan Cerita Singa Lainnya / Winkanda Satria Putra, Editor Yashintha Vita Wahyuningsih Winkanda Satria Putra Rainbow, 9789792945102  
51062 21.044 20.073 Singa Yang Serakah dan Kumpulan Cerita Singa Lainnya / Winkanda Satria Putra, Editor Yashintha Vita Wahyuningsih Winkanda Satria Putra Rainbow, 9789792945102  
51063 21.045 20.192 Kristal Kasih Sayang / Indah Juli, Vanda Arie; Ilustrator InnerChild Studio; Penyunting Dadan Ramadhan, Aan Diha Indah Juli DAR! Mizan, 9786022423027  
51064 21.046 20.193 Kristal Kasih Sayang / Indah Juli, Vanda Arie; Ilustrator InnerChild Studio; Penyunting Dadan Ramadhan, Aan Diha Indah Juli DAR! Mizan, 9786022423027  
51065 21.047 20.012 Cerita Asli Indonesia / Pelangi; ilustrator Adam S Pelangi Elex Media Komputindo, 9786020267128  
51066 21.048 20.013 Cerita Asli Indonesia / Pelangi; ilustrator Adam S Pelangi Elex Media Komputindo, 9786020267128  
51067 21.049 20.692 My Human Body : Amazing Facts and How the Digestive System Works Digestive System Kastil Lebah, 9789793973319  
51068 21.050 20.693 My Human Body : Amazing Facts and How the Digestive System Works Digestive System Kastil Lebah, 9789793973319  
51069 21.051 20.678 Around The World : Amazing Stories of Great Building Mega Structures Kastil Lebah, 9789793973753  
51070 21.052 20.679 Around The World : Amazing Stories of Great Building Mega Structures Kastil Lebah, 9789793973753  
51071 21.053 20.212 Peter Pan / Arianna Candell; Ilustrator Daniel Howarth Candell, Arianna Eaststar Adhi Citra, 9786028750127  
51072 21.054 20.213 Peter Pan / Arianna Candell; Ilustrator Daniel Howarth Candell, Arianna Eaststar Adhi Citra, 9786028750127  
51073 21.055 20.684 Around The World : Amazing Stories of Great Buildings Asia Pustaka Lebah, 9789793973753  
51074 21.056 20.685 Around The World : Amazing Stories of Great Buildings Asia Pustaka Lebah, 9789793973753  
51075 21.057 20.718 Great Prophet : fascinating moments and stories behind nabi Ilyas A.S dan nabi Illyasa A.S / Bayu Indie dkk, editor Herfi Ghulam tim Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798211  
51076 21.058 20.719 Great Prophet : fascinating moments and stories behind nabi Ilyas A.S dan nabi Illyasa A.S / Bayu Indie dkk, editor Herfi Ghulam tim Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798211  
51077 21.059 20.701 Amazing Experiments : With Everyday Materials Energy Resource Kastil Lebah, 9789793973753  
51078 21.060 20.700 Amazing Experiments : With Everyday Materials Energy Resource Kastil Lebah, 9789793973753  
51079 21.061 20.731 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Social Politics) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798471  
51080 21.062 20.730 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Social Politics) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798471  
51081 21.063 20.729 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (History) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798457  
51082 21.064 20.728 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (History) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798457  
51083 21.065 20.740 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Economics) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798464  
51084 21.066 20.741 Miracles of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Economics) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi Pustaka Lebah, 9786028798464  
51085 21.067 20.735 Miracles Of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Physics and Chemistry) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi pustaka lebah, 9786028798488  
51086 21.068 20.734 Miracles Of Quran : The Amazing Scientific Facts Based on Quran & Hadist (Physics and Chemistry) / Anna Fauziah, dkk; Editor Herfi Ghulam Faizi pustaka lebah, 9786028798488  
51087 21.069 20.014 Kumpulan Dongeng Binatang / Arleen Amidjaja, Ilustrator Lisa Saputra, Penyunting: Deesis E.M, Desain: Maretta G. Arleen Amidjaja Bhuana Ilmu Populer, 9789790742918  
51088 21.070 20.015 Kumpulan Dongeng Binatang / Arleen Amidjaja, Ilustrator Lisa Saputra, Penyunting: Deesis E.M, Desain: Maretta G. Arleen Amidjaja Bhuana Ilmu Populer, 9789790742918  
51089 21.071 20.051 Pahlawan Bunga Pacar Tumpuk / Siti Nur Azizah Siti Nur Azizah Graha Ilmu, 9786022620358  
51090 21.072 20.050 Pahlawan Bunga Pacar Tumpuk / Siti Nur Azizah Siti Nur Azizah Graha Ilmu, 9786022620358  
51091 21.073 20.230 Virtues and Values / Laura Blanco, Silvia Carbonell, Ilustrator: Rosa Maria Curto, Editor: Ona Pons, Graphies: Gemser Blanco, Laura Eaststar Adhi Citra, 9786028750066  
51092 21.074 20.231 Virtues and Values / Laura Blanco, Silvia Carbonell, Ilustrator: Rosa Maria Curto, Editor: Ona Pons, Graphies: Gemser Blanco, Laura Eaststar Adhi Citra, 9786028750066  
51093 21.075 19.971 Dongeng Mendididik dari Dunia Binatang / Yosep Rustandi; Penyunting Adi Seta; Ilustrator Ajon PH Yosep Rustandi Saufa Kid's, 9786022556565  
51094 21.076 19.970 Dongeng Mendididik dari Dunia Binatang / Yosep Rustandi; Penyunting Adi Seta; Ilustrator Ajon PH Yosep Rustandi Saufa Kid's, 9786022556565  
51095 21.077 19.960 Menolong Binatang / Idris Sadri, Editor: Rony Amdani, Ilustrator: Rendra M., Desain Cover Dens Idris Sadri Muffin Graphics, 9786021128596  
51096 21.078 19.961 Menolong Binatang / Idris Sadri, Editor: Rony Amdani, Ilustrator: Rendra M., Desain Cover Dens Idris Sadri Muffin Graphics, 9786021128596  
51097 21.079 19.962 Abdurrahman Bin Auf yang Dermawan / Idris Sadri; Editor Rony Amdani; Ilustrator Rendra M. Ridwan Idris Sadri Muffin Graphics, 9786021128626  
51098 21.080 19.963 Abdurrahman Bin Auf yang Dermawan / Idris Sadri; Editor Rony Amdani; Ilustrator Rendra M. Ridwan Idris Sadri Muffin Graphics, 9786021128626  
51099 21.081 20.190 Petualangan di Lembah Kebaikan : Mengenal Nama - Nama Surga dalam Al-Quran / Kay Arikunto; Ilustrator JJ. Wind, Studio Aer; Penyunting Dadan Ramadhan, Huda Wahid Kay Arikunto DAR! Mizan, 978602242297  
51100 21.082 20.191 Petualangan di Lembah Kebaikan : Mengenal Nama - Nama Surga dalam Al-Quran / Kay Arikunto; Ilustrator JJ. Wind, Studio Aer; Penyunting Dadan Ramadhan, Huda Wahid Kay Arikunto DAR! Mizan, 978602242297  


Publikasi 06:17 - 16 Maret 2023
Diperbaharui 09:09 - 27 Juni 2024
Jumlah dilihat 446
Terakhir dilihat 02:36 - 20 September 2024


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